Monday, August 01, 2005

Old Boy (Korea 2003)

Inspired by the Japanese comic, Old Boy is about Oh Deasu, an ordinary guy, who has been kidnapped and kept in a cell prison for 15 years. In those years, he kept wondering why he was kept in confinement. He had thought about all the people he had hurt but he didn't get any answer from the people who were keeping him alive. TV was the only one keeping him company in those years. He tried killing himself several times but the people locking him up saves him every time. Feeling quite helpless with his situation, he plotted ways to get out of his cell and trained himself physically. The cell became his home and vengeance kept him sane and alive.

On his 15th year, he was freed. Outside the cell, he was given a wallet filled with money and a mobile phone. He received a phone call asking him to know the reason why he was imprisoned and not just focused himself on who did it. From that day on, he tries to solve the puzzle that ultimately led him to his and his assailant's destruction.

During the first part of the film, there were confusing bits but they are mainly because of the storytelling style of the director. As it goes along, you'd eventually get the feel of how the story is going along.

It is character-driven. Like the main lead in the film, you'd be taken for a ride. You'd want to solve the mystery the way Oh does. Being smitten with the later solving of mystery would now depend on whether it has enough grip on you or not. But then, that really isn't what will hold you down. This movie has enough tricks on its sleeve that will keep you guessing till the end.

Old Boy could be a sick and gruesome thriller but it is also a great cinematic experience that would leave you wanting for more.

1 comment:

the rocketboy said...

OldBoy was my top film last year. Great sucker puncher of a movie. People are still talking about his until now...