Friday, August 19, 2005

Must Love Dogs

This summer (US, that is!), Hollywood have us bombarded mostly by comic super heroes. Amongst the action and the special effects comes this rare of a gem called Must Love Dogs.

Sarah (Diane Lane) has been divorced for eight months already. Her family is starting to feel anxious and bothered about her lack of relationship. They feel bad for her especially that all of them are either (happily) married or in a committed relationship. Of course, they have this itch to pair her up with all the possible men they know.

Sarah's sister, Carol (Elizabeth Perkins), decided to post an ad about her on the internet with the description that goes "Must Love Dogs". Through the calls and messages she received, she decided to meet the guys that appeal to her. But the dates ended all in disasters.

Meanwhile, Jake (John Cusack) is a recent divorcee. He has been wallowing in sadness eversince his marriage collapsed and focused himself into making boats and watching Dr. Zhivago. Seeing Sarah's ad on the net, his friend decided to answer it.

Sarah and Jake went on date in the park. There was chemistry between them but it was awkwardness that ruled. Will they listen to what their hearts tell them or decide to go on a different path? (Should I really be asking this?!)

Oh, it has been awhile eversince Hollywood gave us a feel-good romantic comedy that truly worked! Must Love Dogs stands-out among the likes of The Wedding Date disasters.

Diane Lane may not have the quirkiness of Julia Roberts or the cuteness of Meg Ryan but she has the sophistication and charm of a woman. In the movie world, it is the like of her that couldn't get dates! Can you imagine that? Her team-up with John Cusack is simply amazing! A bread to a butter! A pen to a paper! (Oh, I can't come up with good analogies! Dammit!) Also, the whole cast ensemble just worked really well to come up with a good comedy with a heart!

The movie will work for any kind of audience. It is a perfectly date-movie for lovers of all ages. It is for single people who may feel bad or blessed about their status. It is for the hopefuls, who despite all their heartaches, are still looking forward to the day that they will find the one who must love them truly.


radioactivegulaman said...

hi! nice blog you got here. i enjoyed watching 'must love dogs'! (john cusack is amazing.)

i love movies too. Hey J Horror Film Fest (at the Shang) and Cinemanila (at the Greenbelt yata) are coming up! got the sched?

sineasta said...

hello, gulaman-happy! thank you for dropping by and enjoying my blog!

re the film festivals you were asking for, i don't have the sched, e. try el cineasta or radioactive adobo's blog. (see my must-visit links) i think they have something (or would have) about them.

ei, how are you related to adobo? hehehe... saktong-sakto! after adobo feast, gulaman ang katapat! :p

adobo, meet gulaman pala...

radioactivegulaman said...

i'm not related to adobo...heheheh! i didn't know so many people have the penchant for using the word "radioactive" :P will check that site. sounds really interesting.