Monday, August 01, 2005

S Diary (Korea 2004)

Feeling suffocated with the relationship, Jini's boyfriend broke up with her. However, he gave her a "project". He told her to ask her former boyfriends if they have loved her.

Devastated with the break-up, Jini drowned herself in sorrows. As she was looking through her old stuffs, she found an unused diaries that her mom gave her. Afterwards, in them, she had written down the histories of her former romances. When she was about to write her affair with her recent flame, his so-called "project" haunted her. So she looked for her old beaus and popped them the question, "Did you love me?"

Disappointed with what she heard, Jini decided to get back at them. She asked them for money pay back for all the things she did for them, including sex. When they refused to do so, she plotted clever ways that would forced them to eventually give her what she wanted.

Like Old Boy, S Diary is about exacting revenge on the people who have hurt you. It is about being vindicated for the pains and sorrows that you went through. However, the ultimate questions would always be, "After revenge, what comes next? Would it make you a better person?"

S Diary is more about self-discovery and love for oneself. Because it is only when we love ourselves that we could truly feel being loved by other people.

See (and read) this Diary to learn about yourself and how stupid we can get when we are in love...

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