Sunday, July 31, 2005

My First Pinoy DVD

I bought my first Pinoy (original) DVD today. This is the first one that I actually bought here in RP. I have some original Pinoy DVD movies but I bought them online (US) because they were not available here. And of course, the others were p*r*t*d. Hehehe. Just a few, though, because I feel that there weren't enough special features that Pinoy DVD movies have that would encourage me to buy them. Not to mention that VCDs (which is quite close in quality) is cheaper.

I always wanted to have a DVD copy of Live Show. I took a chance in getting one here because, first, there were only a few copies left. Second, I was hoping that the DVD copy is the uncut version. But lo and behold, it wasn't! It was the same version as that of the VCD's. Dammit! Now I really have to buy another copy online. Nakakainis! My friend was convincing me not to buy it but I still insisted on it. Ito ang napala ko. My only consolation now is that at least, if I would buy a copy online, I would have two versions: the theatrical version and the director's cut. But who needs to have the censored version, anyway?!

How did I know that the DVD copy was cut? Because I have the pirated copy. :-) It's title then was Toro and it was quite unedited. Meron pang counter on top! But it had English subtitles! Sosi! Also, I saw the legit VCD version when it was released last year. But one thing I can't forget, though, was someone wanted to buy the pirated copy from me! He would even pay PhP500 (to PhP800, if I remember it right) for it! But I said no. I thought then that I might not have the chance to own a director's copy anymore.

If you haven't seen the pirated copy, you'll know if one is cut or uncut if you'd look at the running time located in the back cover of the DVD. The Philippine release indicates 102 minutes while the international release has 111 minutes. Laki rin ng difference!

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