Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Eye 10 (Hong Kong)

The Eye 10 delivers an unexpected turn in the horror genre. It has mixed good comedy with horror. Seldom do those two combined well together without overshadowing each other or one of the two turning "corny".

The Eye 10 isn't the 10th part of the movie The Eye which thrilled us back in 2003. Actually, this was just the third part following the disappointing sequel in 2004. The number 10 in the title simply means that this movie is about the 10 ways to see ghosts.

The movie started with four friends who visited a common friend in Thailand. During their first night, they started sharing ghost stories until Chongkwai (their friend from Thailand) showed them the book called "The Ten Encounters". They decided to play a game and do them one at a time to check whether they are true or not. From then on, Chongkwai, Teddy, April, Kofei, and May have experienced the scariest night of their lives that went to haunt them for eternity!

The movie made references to the first two parts of the movie enumerating them as two of the ten ways. The group did not do the mentioned two but they tried the rest. They were Peek-a-Stoop, Spirit of the Glass, Late Night Snack, Combing Hair in Front of the Mirror, Forbidden Shade (opening an umbrella indoors), Hide-and-Seek with a Black Cat, Dig the Grave, and Play Dead.

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The movie may border on sillyness and the comedic acts may sometimes go over the top but it still works as a horror/comedy movie, in my opinion. I guess, it would really depend on what your expectations would be when you see it. If you won't get scared, then laugh your ass off! If you won't find it funny, then scare yourself shitless! But why not do laugh and get scared at the same time? Nothing wrong with that, right?

Should you see this? Yes, do so! Just don't expect that it'd be better than the first Eye! Nothing beats its creepiness! It is downright scary and until now, I still have flashes of it on my mind. I hope, though, that this would be the last of the series.

Note 1: You may wonder, why "The Eye 10" for its title? Aside from the aforementioned reason, the title "The Eye 3 to 9" has been used as porn titles! Hahaha!

Note 2: As I go through the movie's other reviews, many have been disappointed about this. Hmmm... Well, not me! Obviously, me likey likey! *wink wink*

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