Thursday, July 07, 2005

On Video: Hide & Seek

Every year, film companies try to adapt this worn-out twist. In 2003, Columbia-Tristar gave us Identity and again in 2004 via Secret Window. In 2005, we have Fox's Hide & Seek. This movie had most of the formula that a usual guess-who thriller uses. There are the weird neighbors who usually have emotional baggages. There's the goody-goody cop who is eccentric enough to freak out the new neighbors. There's the realtor who seems to know every secrets of the old house. And there's the friendly neighbors who always end up dead!

Usually, this kind of twist in the end only works once. If you've seen it the first time, then you'll not be thrilled at all the next time. It had worked for me twice, though. First in Mortal Thoughts (1991). Second, in The Usual Suspects (1995). You'd never see it coming in both films. They were done without a clue to speak of. Aside from that, they are from different genres. Mortal Thoughts was drama and The Usual Suspects was action. Both already had me so Hide & Seek failed for me.

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