Sunday, July 17, 2005

Irreversible (France 2002)

Since I mentioned that I bought a French film called Romance, I'd like to call your attention to this other French film called Irreversible that I saw last year. It has Monica Belluci before The Passion of the Christ but after Malena. If you adore this one-heck of a beautiful woman, then seeing this film is all worth it! However, let me WARN you that this movie isn't for the faint-hearted. Like its title, its effects are truly irreversible! It made me sick to my stomach when I saw "the scene". Not sick in a way that I was grossed out or that I wanted to puke. It made me sick because the movie was done as if you were the character. That you were experiencing the same situation that the actor was going through at the moment. Not to mention that it was somehow done in "real time". It made my heart beat faster. It made me angry. It made me cry. Name all the emotions and you'd have it! Believe me! Period. I couldn't say much anymore because I don't want to spoil anything for you. That is, if you would have the heart to see it.

Anyway, what is it all about? It has a simple plot, really. It is about a happy couple who would be embarking on a different stage of their lives. However, something horrible happened to one of them that would changed their lives forever. What is it? It's for you to find out! That is the heart of the story.

Other than that, Irreversible is a cinematic experience because it had a style of its own. The movie was told backwards. If we are talking about time, it started with the events that took place in Monday 5:30 am and followed by the events before that till its beginning on Sunday 6 pm. The time I mentioned, though, is just a point of reference and not the exact time in the movie. But it did happen in just a night. It was ala-Memento only that there were no present events then going backwards. This one was like rewinding the story. If you don't feel like it, try watching the beginning in the ending. Just hit the chapter button of your remote. However, I'm not sure if it would cause the same effect if you'd see it the way it was intended to be seen.

Well, for my last words on this movie, don't watch Irreversible! Experience it! Let's see if you can!

P.S. If you're thinking of searching this film on the net to find out more about it, I suggest that you don't! Don't spoil yourself with synopsis and reviews! That's why I didn't add any links. Again, experience it on your own!

::: Other film recommendations: I Spit on Your Grave (US 1978) :::

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched this movie after watching Gaspar NoƩ's previous film "I Stand Alone". And yes, I felt sick because of the camera movement. Actually it was intended by the director in order to symbollically represent what was happening inside Vincent Cassel's head after knowing what happened to Monica Bellucci's character. Loved the film. :-)