Saturday, July 30, 2005

Mga Pusang Gala Review

One thing that wasn't printed, though, was my review for the movie itself, "Mga Pusang Gala". When informed, Direk Ellen was quite saddened about it. She just told me to send her the review so that she could put it on the movie web site.

Mga Pusang Gala
By Jheck David

More than anything else, Mga Pusang Gala is a story about everything human! It tackles the issue of relationships and the struggles within to find fulfillment that one longs to have. Because it is theatrical in nature, it seemed to flow poetically. Each move, each line, and each detail follows a rhythm and style.

Mga Pusang Gala has heartfelt and gripping emotions that transcend to the screen onto the audience. Because the characters were realistically portrayed, one can’t help but relate to them in one way or the other. One will also smile and react because of the crisp dialogues and the situations that seem too familiar to ignore. The way the story was presented maybe an exaggeration but it never fails to speak to us as if reminding us that we all have been there.

What was best about the film was that it leaves no room for moral judgment. The characters were painted in all its vivid colors. Take them as they are. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, it’s up to you. But one could never doubt how complicated (or uncomplicated) relationships could be. There are no easy ways through it and out of it.

Written by Jun Lana and Rody Vera under the direction of Ellen Ongkeko-Marfil, Mga Pusang Gala follows a parallel story between two single and aging gay man and a woman who yearn for a full-time commitment from the men in their lives. It is led by Ricky Davao and Irma Adlawan.

Ellen said that this is her statement on the bold genre. Funny, though, that I never saw this as a “bold” film if it relates to the occasional sex scenes in the movie. Sex is nothing but a part of what being human is all about. But if bold meant that it dares to tackle the inner feelings and digs deeper into the psyche of a person in love (and not in love) without pretensions, then, it is bold!

If I would sum the film up in a few words, I’d say, “Kuwento ito ng mga totoong tao sa totoong buhay!”

For other reviews about the film, go to the movie site.

"Mga Pusang Gala" opens nationwide on August 17.

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