Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Romance (France 1999)

Catherine Breillat is a French woman director whose focus on films are that of female sexuality. Her attacks are shocking and rather disturbing to say the least. She has no qualms about nudity on film. When I say nudity, I mean no holds barred nudity! Her sexual acts seem to be the real thing, as well, and not just simulation. That being said, her films may somewhat border on pornograhy. What set them apart is the story she injected behind it.

Romance is about a sexually-deprived woman, Marie. Her boyfriend hasn't been touching her for quite a while. She loves him so much that she only wants him to touch her. But then, her boyfriend seems to be keen on keeping up his "no-sex" rule. He isn't able to keep up with her sexual appetite.

So, Marie decided to get what she wanted from other men without the knowledge of her boyfriend. From those trysts and sexcapades, she discovered a part of her that brought more life to her voracious appetite for sex.

Catherine Breillat should be commended for doing movies that usually are of men's genre: sex. She tells her story like it is on women's point of view. Moreso, with a more daring and bolder take. However, when one starts to take side, one loses the focus on the other and alienates him. In this case, Marie was the focus and all the men around her were mere players to her desires. This may be a good movie for woman kind but men may find it a bore. It wouldn't even be much of a study for men since there was little to study to begin with: Marie's sexual desires.

What may also be a problem here is the fact that Marie might be bordering on being a nymphomaniac. She likes having sex just for the sake of having it and not exactly getting pleasure from it. In that case, some women might not be able to relate on her.

Re the sex scenes, yes, they are daring and bold. There are lots of frontal nudity and close-up shots. But they are neither engaging nor erotic. It doesn't have the passion and depth of Oshima's In the Realm of the Senses. Some scenes are even too graphically detailed which makes them quite uninteresting. Not to mention that the movie failed to give meaning to them.

Do I recommend the film? If you're a fan of Catherine Breillat, it won't hurt you to see this one. If you want to witness the cinematic style (should I say genuis?) of Ms. Breillat and have no access to her other films than this one (like myself), go ahead with this one. Just don't expect magic and brillance. I'm sure that she did better works than this one.

Note: The poster above is the original artwork of the movie. So does the title.

::: Breillat's Filmography :::


Anonymous said...

I thought Breillat's movies are boring. Long winded and pointless. Although, that changed when I saw A Ma Soeur! (I still think Romance X was a throw away movie in Breillat's filmography.... And don't watch Anatomy of Hell, because that one is as bad as Romance X.

Anonymous said...

well I believe the director should still be commended for directing a daring movie that not only questions women's sexuality but also pushing it to the limits. European cinema is more open-minded in terms with this type of genre. btw, i also added this one to my collection.