Wednesday, July 20, 2005

In the Realm of the Senses (Japan 1976)

Speaking of In the Realm of the Senses, a film that I saw a year or two ago, here it is:

Oshima's most debated work in a career marked by controversy, "In the Realm of the Senses" is an unrelenting journey into the world of passion and eroticism. Oblivious to social restraints and public sentiment, a geisha and her lover engage in a torrid sexual spree, losing themselves in the fervor of their lovemaking and their quest for ultimate ecstasy. The ideology of male dominance and female submission is thoroughly undermined as the obsessed lovers create a closed existence of incessant lovemaking and sadomasochistic experiments. This is an eerily beautiful examination of the intensity of physical desire.

That's about summarizes what this movie is all about. If Romance somewhat borders on pornography, this one had already crossed the boundaries! But who's to rightfully judge what is porn and what is art? There is such a thin line separating them. defines pornography as "sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal." Meanwhile, one definition of art is a "human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature." If that would be case, wouldn't pornography be considered art in a way because it just tries to imitate realism? What separates them, though, is the intention of its maker. If it is just to elicit sexual arousal, then it is porn! But again, who could say that that was the intention of its maker? Only the maker himself, right? So it is up to the audience to decide whether to treat such work as art or porn. It's gonna be subjective, then? Yes, because art is mostly (or always) subjective. There is no single point of view surrounding it. Anyway, let's not go debating over it. I'm simply trying to make a point re the film.

This is one of those films that truly shocked me and left me at a loss for words. The other one being Salo: 120 Days of Sodom. Oh, I'm no prude! Yes, I've seen countless number of porn movies. But you wouldn't expect such graphic material in legitimate films, right? No wonder it became controversial in the year it was released! These days, directors tend to get more daring by showing bodily fluids, imagine that! In the years to come, what will we see next?

Whether or not you find this movie good or bad, it all depends on whether it has achieved it goals or not. For people who haven't experienced the same sexual passion as the two characters have, then they may dismiss this as trash. But for people who have, then they would know what it is like to be in that same nirvana.

Sex would really make one go crazy! I guess, that is why we were reminded a number of times (by the church, etc.) that sex is mainly used for procreation. Because once it takes hold of you, you'd find it difficult to go back to your senses. So be wary! Be careful...

Note: If you think that I'd wrote a review for " Salo" next just because I mentioned it, no siree! I loathe that film! I could never imagine seeing that film again. There's only so much that I could take!


Kel Fabie said...

I'd love to see this movie...

And I'm adding you to my links when I update my layout in the non-Kel weblog, btw. :)

sineasta said...

Sure, no problem! I'd like that. :p

Anonymous said...

According to the articles I read from IMDB, the film was banned in Japan that's why post-production was done in France. For me, it is a work of art.

Anonymous said...

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