Saturday, June 04, 2005

Shall We Dance? (2004)

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I have resisted seeing "Shall We Dance?" because I wanted to see the original Japanese version. I've read that it was far more superior than this Hollywood adaptation. But then, not being able to find a copy of it, I took the chance of watching this. Besides, if there's one guilty pleasures I have, that is watching Jennifer Lopez. What I feel for her is love-hate. I don't wanna be drawn to her 'cause I know how terrible she can get some times (acting and singing-wise) yet I can't help myself. She could be very irresistible without her trying much!

Anyway, not having any idea about the Japanese version, I have fallen in love with this film! It was able to touch a part of my life. I was able to relate to the "emptiness" that Richard Gere's character, John Clark, was feeling. It wasn't about the empty feeling of love but the empty feeling of fulfillment. You know that the life you are enjoying could be better. With that being said, of course, this film made me cry. Tears that have been longing to come out for months now. Never did I realized that all the pent-up anger I have felt inside was due to the fact that I haven't let those tears out.

One of the memorable lines in the film that made an impact to me was "Be alive like this!" by Paulina (J. Lo)while she and John were dancing. I have forgotten the last time I've felt so alive. Lately, things haven't been going smoothly for me in terms of career even though I know now what I really want to do. Why is it that when you are determine to be who/what you are, that's the time when things are not going in your favor?

I apologize if this review became a personal write-up. It is because that that is the effect that this film has given me! It made me smile, think, feel, and cry. If only life could be as easy as taking dance lessons...


Kel Fabie said...

I'll e-mail you about why I'm not blogging anymore for now (But I'm alive and kicking on LJ. ;)

Just lemme know how.

I've seen the Japanese version before this one. The Japanese version is better, but the American version is faithful enough to forgive.

I never did ask if you were male or female, btw. And I might have a ticket for you for Batman Begins. We'll find out next week. Our premiere is in Greenbelt, on Tuesday.

sineasta said...

Ei, I've sent you an e-mail (provided that kel_891 is your addy) so you'd know where you could reach me.

I haven't been DVD hunting for awhile and I'm dying to do so. I miss watching movies (esp. Korean flicks) because my stock has run out! Hehehe. I wanna get "Please Teach Me English" which I saw from your blog. I'm excited to see it. :)

sineasta said...

Oh shoot! E-mail just bounced back... :( Will try another one... :)

Kel Fabie said... is your best bet to get in touch with me. In any case, I'll add you to Friendster when I'm using a different comp. My comp here at WAVE blocks Friendster.

I doubt I can provide more than one ticket in the unlikely event I get the four tickets I asked for, though. My boss in my other job has dibs on two of them.

Kel Fabie said...
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