Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Finally, I Saw

Sooooo glad, I am! That I was able to catch Star Wars Ep. III in Megamall today! In fact, it was one of the only two cinemas in MM which still shows it. The other one being Southmall, I think. It was already on its 4th week and there were but a few people in the cinema house.

I wouldn't review this film anymore because I know that there are lots of reviews made about it that can be found on the net. (See
Kel's.) All I'd just say, though, is that it is a great movie to end the second part trilogy of Star Wars! Very exciting, indeed. The thrill that Episode II lacked, Episode III makes up for it!

In exchange for a complete review, I'd just give out a sentence or two re all of Star Wars episodes in terms of its watchability for casual SW fans and the not-so fans. Let's face it, SW is not for everybody. There are only a minority of people who are advocates of the said series. As for me, I'm in between being a casual fan and a fanatic. There are still things that I didn't get so you couldn't just ask me anything about it. Refer to the manual, I'd still have to, every now and then.

A New Hope - This one will be hard to sit through for people who are not into sci-fi movies. It could even be quite boring even for a casual fan, moreso for the not-so fans. If you're starting with this and you made it till the end, then you're bound to make it through the rest of the series. If not, then be yourself, better be! Do not go through the whole SW brouhaha anymore!

The Empire Strikes Back - Now that you successfully surpassed the somewhat "boring" introductions in Ep. IV, your reward would be action and thrills from Ep. V. Plus, a cliffhanger that you would never forget, it'd give you!

Return of the Jedi - A powerful ending for the first-part trilogy! "The Chosen One" started all here and not in "The Matrix!"

The Phantom Menace - Ep. I didn't quite surpass the expectations of loyal SW fans but for me, great action sequences, it had! Plus, it created a new breed of SW fans, including myself!

Attack of the Clones - Only the Yoda fight sequence saved this one boring episode! Very boring, it was!

Revenge of the Sith - What I didn't like, though, about Ep. III is the inclusion of some funny sequences and snide remarks of Obi Wan Kenobi. I felt that those were out of place from a serious sci-fi movie.

To get the feel of everything, start from Episode I till Episode VI.

P.S. Doesn't the poster look cool? It was made for Father's Day! However, I was quite disappointed that there weren't many poster variations for Ep. III. What happened?

Also, doesn't Lord Sidious look like the father of Linda Blair in The Exorcist? Hahaha!

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