Friday, June 10, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Sexy!

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I'd like to start this review by quoting a review that I've read in Click the City a few days back before I saw "Mr. & Mrs. Smith". His/Her exact introduction (and the way it was written-"typos" and everything) was "BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG KAPISH....." He/She followed it with, "This movie should not have been on the summer movies. This movie shouldn't have been made either. In short this movie is really really bad."

I'd want to respect the reviewer's opinion re this movie. Hey, to each his own, right? But I can't help wondering if we really watch the same movie. Is this the one that opened just last Wednesday or was there a version that I didn't know of? How did a movie that is so good became really really bad?

Anyway, to continue with his/her review, he/she added, "If your an extreme action fan guy..go watch this movie. It's full of action allright, full of gun shooting, to a poin that there seems to be no more story. The gun battling scenes are just the same ones you've seen in other movies. Brad pitt was well..Brad Pitt... he really just has the looks but his acting sure stinks. What chemistry are the people talking about? Both Pitt and Jolie didn't really seem to be into it." His/Her last words were, "Bottom line..this movie's bad."

Oh-kay... Enough said. I'll digress his/her statements one by one. "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" isn't pure action. Oh yeah, there were lots of gun shooting but it was only during the second half of the film. I believe that those scenes were essential to the story. They are expected since the Smiths are assassins who became the target of both their firms (oops, spoiler!) so there's no other way to do it but defend themselves. Thus, the need for such battle. Aside from that, there are fights that are contextual in nature. Because first and foremost, the plot of the movie is about the couple's marriage. Them doing what they're doing are just part of what they're going through in their relationship.

Let's divide the battle into two. First part are mere representations of the things they have said and couldn't say. Of all the five or six years in their marriage, they neither fight nor argue. So imagine all the pent-up anger and frustrations for all the lies that surfaced. It reminds me of the Pinoy saying, "Kung nakakamatay lang ang mga salita, ilang beses ka nang namatay!" During arguments, we curse, cuss, or say hateful words. With the Smiths, though, they don't use words. They use bullets! It's kinda "War of the Roses", only this is much violent. And most of the time, fights are just sparks that light up a bigger fire, i.e. intimate passion. They serve as foreplay for couples who, after the arguments, somehow becomes relieve of the problems and are wanting to make love.

Second part, as I've said, is to defend themselves. This time, they are fighting for each other and not with each other. Complications still arise during the battle like who's better or who should lead or as simple as what weapons to use. But nothing could not be solve by compromise. Marriage (or any other relationship) without compromise is nothing.

In the end, when all skeletons are out of the closet, they love each other even more. It turned out that the thing they kept from each was the one that would keep them together. They found a common ground.

Is that what you call "no story at all?"

And as much as I hate to admit it, Brad and Angelina have great on-screen chemistry that Brad and Julia lacked in "The Mexican". Whether they are doing "it" or not, I wouldn't want to know until Jennifer Anistion formerly Pitt becomes as big as Nicole Kidman formerly Cruise. They should just keep the chemistry in reel and not for real! Aside from that, they are so damn hot and sexy! They deserve each other... in the movie! Sequel please!

The CTC reviewer gave "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" one star out five. I'd give it four and a half!

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