Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I Miss...

...my weekly dose of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte! The "Desperate Housewives", though billed as the new girls to watch after them, aren't as great as them! I miss the laughter, the thoughts, the tears, and the sex! Good thing that I have a complete collection of DVDs. Gawd, that UK DVD cover blows me away! Not to mention RP's Gucci VCD covers!
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Until now, though, I am still not in favor of Big and Carrie getting back together! Big (or John) is nothing but a shmuck! He never did anything special for Carrie during the time they were together. He just needs her and not love her!
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One day, however, I'll have that Miranda kitchen tiles in my own kitchen! Bwahahaha!

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