Thursday, June 30, 2005

War of the Worlds

Let me just say that it was "War of the Worlds" night throughout Manila (or rather all over Ortigas-Mandaluyong area) tonight! There were two special screenings in Megamall: one by UP and the other by Medical City. There was also one in Shangri-La and in Galleria (sponsored by Wave 89.1). If there's a special screening in Makati, as well, that I do not know.

Also, Steven Spielberg didn't allow critics to review this film before its actual showing. Perhaps to avoid any ending spoilers to leak out. People have also speculated that it might be because of the water squirting incident that happened to Tom Cruise in London. What is the relation with that? Beats me! Dunno!
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Anyway, I won't do any technical assessments about the film. Because, as always, the Steven Spielberg delivers! No doubt about that. I'd rather do character analysis re the leads in the film. I believe that this movie was well-acted and well-characterized. More than a special effects film, this movie is about people trapped in catasthropic times.

Tom Cruise as Ray Ferrier, a father of two. He is a father who tries his best to know his children despite the gap that they feel from one another. He is the kind who wants to be a buddy kind of dad because he seldom sees his kids. During the first few minutes, it was shown how he tries to have fun with them. However, it never works because they need a strong father figure than a buddy. But what does he know? Even he, himself, likes the excitement and thrill of being a boy. So, instead of realizing the danger that the machines had brought, he was mesmerized. After the true tragedy sinks in, though, the fun and excitement stopped for him. He realized that he had kids to attend to and save more than himself. More than anything in the world, his obligations are with his children. Having a kid like myself, I understood where he was coming from when he killed Ogilvy (Tim Robbins). In desperate times, family matters most.

Justin Chatwin as Robby, Ray's oldest son. At first, it might seemed that he wanted to become a hero (or magpaka-bayani, in Tagalog) by wanting to be where the action is. But it wasn't his intention. Like any other teens, yes, he wanted to be where the action is! He wanted to be a first-hand witness to the history that was unfolding before them. He gets it from his father. Not exactly knowing the grave perils that would come, he wanted to be let go.

Dakota Fanning as Rachel, the youngest daughter. Like any kid, she gets hysterical and terrified with any signs of danger. She'd run away whenever she feels threatened and go to a place where she'd think it's safe. In the end, it's the embrace from her dad that would calm her down. It reassures her that everything would be alright.

"War of the Worlds" will be a good addition to Tom Cruise's resume. It is a different character for him basically because he is a father in the film. It was quite awkward watching him act as a father at first because we are not used to seeing him like that. He is either a bachelor or a hero in his movies. But it picks up in the middle. He was able to redeem himself.

Now, what happened with the aliens in the end? There's only one answer to that: They don't belong on earth! Nature took its course! If there are aliens that would try to end human's existence on earth, they should first be immune to whatever it is we have here!

This movie is scary as hell! I wouldn't want to be in the same predicament as them! Not even in my imagination! I was grabbing the hand of my partner all throughout the film!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

3-Iron (Bin-jip)

Before you read further, I'd like to warn you about the spoilers that are heading your way. I'm afraid that it'd be hard to review this film without giving details that would somehow reveal what it is all about. If you're okay with it, go ahead and read this one. If not, then skip this now. Watch the movie and come back to read this. Be advise, though, that it'd be better to see the film first before reading this. If you just want to know if you should watch this or not, I'd say that YOU SHOULD!

Tae-suk is a young man who rides a motorcycle. Every morning, he puts in flyers of restaurant to different houses. In the late afternoon, he would come back and check which door still has the flyer untouched. Then, he breaks in and gets inside the house to spend the night. In exchange for his stay, he does chores for the family who lives there: laundry, cleaning, or repair. He doesn't take anything with him except for food or tea that he consumed during his stay. With his digital camera, he takes picture of him inside the house as a souvenir (of some sort).

One night, he got inside a businessman's house not knowing that his wife was there. He does his usual routine while the wife, Sun-hwa watches him. Realizing that he isn't a thief, Sun-hwa lets him know her presence inside the house. Tae-suk took off but came back to the badly-bruised and beaten wife. Her husband arrived and tried to hurt her once more. Tae-suk saved her from her husband by hitting him with the golf balls. As he left the house, Sun-hwa joined him.

Smitten by him, Sun-hwa led the life that Tae-suk was living. However, they were soon discovered by a family. They were sent to the police. Sun-hwa was taken back by her husband while Tae-suk remained in prison. In prison, Tae-suk managed to channel his anger and pain to something more powerful. Because of that, he was able to return to Sun-hwa without her husband knowing his presence. Thus, enjoying their lives together.

"3-Iron" is a very powerful movie that really deserves a recommendation! Not only because of how it was done but because of the mixed reactions that it has been getting from its audience. It is the kind of movie where people inject their own interpretation according to how the film affected them.

It is amazing how the two leads remained silent all throughout the film (except for some words uttered by Sun-hwa in the end). Ironically, they had effectively conveyed the emotions of their characters with the slightest movements and less facial expressions.

The film boasts of many symbolisms and metaphors. Amongst them is how Sun-hwa and Tae-suk found solace in each other. They need no words to express whatever feelings that are inside them. Till the end, they remained shadows in other people's lives by not participating actively as the world turns.

Now, whether Tae-suk achieved a higher metaphysical being or became part of the other dimension remains unanswered. The important question is whether you agree with how they live their lives or not. 'Cause I surely don't. For someone who is educated, skilled, and talented as him, Tae-suk is definitely a waste of life!

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Yoda Wallpaper

Yoda Rules!
Click the picture or the link to get this awesome 1024 x 768 wallpaper.

Finally, I Saw

Sooooo glad, I am! That I was able to catch Star Wars Ep. III in Megamall today! In fact, it was one of the only two cinemas in MM which still shows it. The other one being Southmall, I think. It was already on its 4th week and there were but a few people in the cinema house.

I wouldn't review this film anymore because I know that there are lots of reviews made about it that can be found on the net. (See
Kel's.) All I'd just say, though, is that it is a great movie to end the second part trilogy of Star Wars! Very exciting, indeed. The thrill that Episode II lacked, Episode III makes up for it!

In exchange for a complete review, I'd just give out a sentence or two re all of Star Wars episodes in terms of its watchability for casual SW fans and the not-so fans. Let's face it, SW is not for everybody. There are only a minority of people who are advocates of the said series. As for me, I'm in between being a casual fan and a fanatic. There are still things that I didn't get so you couldn't just ask me anything about it. Refer to the manual, I'd still have to, every now and then.

A New Hope - This one will be hard to sit through for people who are not into sci-fi movies. It could even be quite boring even for a casual fan, moreso for the not-so fans. If you're starting with this and you made it till the end, then you're bound to make it through the rest of the series. If not, then be yourself, better be! Do not go through the whole SW brouhaha anymore!

The Empire Strikes Back - Now that you successfully surpassed the somewhat "boring" introductions in Ep. IV, your reward would be action and thrills from Ep. V. Plus, a cliffhanger that you would never forget, it'd give you!

Return of the Jedi - A powerful ending for the first-part trilogy! "The Chosen One" started all here and not in "The Matrix!"

The Phantom Menace - Ep. I didn't quite surpass the expectations of loyal SW fans but for me, great action sequences, it had! Plus, it created a new breed of SW fans, including myself!

Attack of the Clones - Only the Yoda fight sequence saved this one boring episode! Very boring, it was!

Revenge of the Sith - What I didn't like, though, about Ep. III is the inclusion of some funny sequences and snide remarks of Obi Wan Kenobi. I felt that those were out of place from a serious sci-fi movie.

To get the feel of everything, start from Episode I till Episode VI.

P.S. Doesn't the poster look cool? It was made for Father's Day! However, I was quite disappointed that there weren't many poster variations for Ep. III. What happened?

Also, doesn't Lord Sidious look like the father of Linda Blair in The Exorcist? Hahaha!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Guess Who's Back?!

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My favorite horror creature: ZOMBIES!
Who else is the perfect guy to bring them back alive but no other than the zombie genuis himself George A. Romero!

Can't Wait to See

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Opens on October 28, 2005, US
Read my "Saw One" review here.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Oh! Happy Day

Hee-jee (Jang Na-ra) is a voice dubber for both radio and t.v. At the same time, she also teaches voice projection for those would-be dubbers. The moment she saw Hyun-joo (Park Jung-chul), who works as a manager for an American firm called Club Med, she fell in love with him. From that day, she told herself that she would make him fall in love with her and marry him, no matter what it takes! And she meant business! Whatever it truly takes!

Oh! Happy Day" is an all-out comedy about a relentless woman you'd try anything to win over the love of her life! I have three words for it: fun, fun, fun! It isn't the typical romantic comedy movies where you would swoon over the lead characters or give a heap of sigh with all their romantic doings. In fact, it veers away from that. Perhaps, it is due to the reason that it aims toward adult audience rather than the teens.

Jang Na-ra is a delight to watch on screen after her t.v. performance via Bright Girl (on GMA-7 here) with Jang-Hyeok (of Windstruck, Please Teach Me English). She has such a bubbly character that trancends throughout the screen! What a truly great transition from recording to acting.

What is most unforgettable for me are the scenes that took place after Hee-jee was released from the hospital. They may be slapstick at times but they are hysterically funny! Trust me!

Need I say more?
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P.S. Is there really a scarcity of men in Korea that women needs to work on it if they want to get married?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Will See

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7:00 PM, June 29, 2005
SM Megamall, Cinema 10
A Special Screening for the benefit of the adopted charities of the UP Vanguard Incorporated

Oh, Video Shop! Where Art Thou?

Oh my video shop! Where art thou?
When will you materialize and come into full being?
I've been longing to have you for a million years now
Yet you seem to be keeping your distant.
Please come soon!
Don't make me wait too long...

RE: The Movie in My Mind

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You want a movie that would stick in your mind and is purely Pinoy without being stereotypical? See this! If you're feeling too icky about purchasing it here, buy it on Amazon!

Re: The Movie in My Mind

This message has been posted in my MadonnaManiax Friendster by one of its members. Instead of replying directly to him, I thought of putting it here instead. Besides, I don't wanna create any misunderstanding, or worst a fight over this. However, if he accidentally finds this blog and read this, fine. At least, I'll be able to put my message across.

Read on...

Date: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:30:00 PM
Subject: the movie in my mind

1. recently, there has been a dramatic improvement in the movie industry: the elimination of the song-and-dance portion. go to the archives of movies from the 80's and 90's, be it comedy, drama or action, and you'll surely find a song-and-dance number, with complete props. practically all regal films movies have it. the scene is usually a character actor in a daydream, then, voila! the next scene is a fantasy with all the colors and exaggerated costumes. and as the actor and his princess are about to kiss, he is back to reality kissing someone else's foot. what a way to make the audience laugh.

2. filipino action films have only one plot. actually, you see one, you've seen them all. first, the actor comes from a poor but happy family. the a rich-maltreating-the-poor theme comes in. family members of the actor are killed or enslaved. then the actor gets his revenge by killing all the goons one by one. then, before he terminates the grand goon, he says a talinghaga, say, "ginawa mo akong parang patabaing babuy, ikaw rin pala ang kakatay sa akin!" filipions are poetic you know, but that doesn't exist in real life drama. just pull the trigger!

3. here are typical drama scenes in pinoy movies:(a) expect a lot of scenes featuring two girls screaming and shouting at each other, (b) an actress goes crying which lasts for five minutes, (c) two guys fighting over a girl, and the girl butts in to no effect, (d) if the child is adopted, she will ask her foster parents "bakit hindi ninyo sinabi sa akin?" and leaves as if she was not raised and loved by the latter.

4. at least, we should be thankful that massacre movies with religious subtitles featuring only one actress turned tv host are history.

5. filipino horror movies are actually comedy films pretending to be horror movies. watch how they do the visual effects. you'll laugh 'til your eyes pop out.

6. if you can't think of another original idea to make a good script, copy an american film and make it filipinized. for example, titanic becomes tatay ni nik, something to that effect.

7. when you advertise your upcoming movie on local tv, say this line: "para po ito sa buong pamilya. marami kayong mapupulot na magagandang aral." where's the plastic bag? i feel nauseous.


First of all, I'd like to ask, "What is the last Filipino movie that you've seen?" I'd actually ask that to all Filipinos who feel soooo embarrased about our own movies. Have you actually seen one? Or you just happened to switch on your channel to a Filipino movie and saw snippets of said film? You didn't like what you saw and switch channel again to your favorite Hollywood series or movie. Because of that one incident, you suddenly turned into an expert. You could actually say the bad and the worst about Philippine movies, huh? Is that it? Or was the last film you saw a Lino Brocka masterpiece? Or was this message just forwarded to you and you thought it was funny so you spread it around, as well?

I'm sick and tired of these "snobs" who kept on saying how bad the industry is when they really haven't been supporting it in the first place! When a Tagalog movie title already sounds despicable to them! When, till now, watching Pinoy movies or soap is sooo "baduy" and "kadiri" to them!

Direk Ellen and I have touched on this topic a little during our last conversation. She said that it's all a matter of social conditioning and the Americanized education that we have. We really can't blame the audience for that way of thinking. I'd say though that we could change. Yes, it was imposed on us so many years ago that we are inferior but that cannot be said anymore these days! Besides, tayo pa bang Filipino ang magbabagsak sa kapwa natin Filipino?

Filipino movie have been progressing these days. In fact, there are lots of memorable films that were released during the last five years or so. Were you able to watch them? Ang madalas ngang reklamo ng mga producers at direktor, "Hihingi kayo ng matinong pelikula pero pinapanood n'yo ba pag meron?" Pero teka nga, ano ba ang ibig sabihin ng "matino"? Not all movie that came out of Hollywood are note-worthy! Even if they're big-budgetted! At saka sila rin naman maraming latak! Hindi lang umaabot sa atin! (But some do, sad to say.)

I just hope that this colonial mentality of ours would slowly fade away. OO, may depekto ang iba sa mga pelikula natin. Pero kanino ba ang wala?!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Guess What's Coming to RP Theaters in August!?!

This has no confirmation yet but Direk Ellen told me that "My Sassy Girl" will be (or might be) release on Philippine cinemas this August! Whoa! I never thought that the day would come. It's disappointing to know that Filipinos will fail to catch this rare Korean gem so finally, this movie will see the light of day here! I'm glad that local distributors finally took notice of this one. I'm sure this will pave the way for other Korean romantic comedies to be shown here. Hooray!

P.S. I have dreamt earlier that I thought of being in charge of releasing Korean comedies here. Hah! Sana nga ganun ako kayaman! Harharhar!

Desire (Korea 2003)

Rosa and Kyumin are husband and wife living together in a lukewarm relationship. Kyumin had sex with a male prostitute named Leo. Rosa learned about it. When she accidentally met Leo, she had sex with him, too. Soon enough, the three were tangled in web of relationship they didn't know how to get out of.

"Desire" will be hard to sit through because the characters don't talk much. Unlike "Wanee & Junah", it has fewer dialogues and it relies on the emotional roller coaster that the characters are going through. The problem is, the emotions shown on screen were not enough for one to feel it. Unless you were in the same situation, you may get their point. Aside from that, it'd be difficult to know what exactly the characters want. If they're confuse, you'd be more confuse than them in the end!

"Desire" also relies on its eroticism yet there is nothing erotic about their sexual scenes. All throughout, this film is so cold and distant.

I Missed...

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...because of the numerous delays and postponements in seeing it on the big screen, I have lost interest in watching it. Will catch it on original DVD soon!

I Miss... weekly dose of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte! The "Desperate Housewives", though billed as the new girls to watch after them, aren't as great as them! I miss the laughter, the thoughts, the tears, and the sex! Good thing that I have a complete collection of DVDs. Gawd, that UK DVD cover blows me away! Not to mention RP's Gucci VCD covers!
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Until now, though, I am still not in favor of Big and Carrie getting back together! Big (or John) is nothing but a shmuck! He never did anything special for Carrie during the time they were together. He just needs her and not love her!
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One day, however, I'll have that Miranda kitchen tiles in my own kitchen! Bwahahaha!

Wanee & Junah (Korea 2001)

First and foremost, what attracted me to this movie was the DVD cover. It wasn't the one shown here or below. I couldn't find that cover here on the net. Anyway, it was a yellow cover featuring three different poses of Wanee & Junah from the same shoot. It was really eye-catching! Not to mention the fact that both actors are quite a looker! However, what made me decide to buy it was the review I've read. According to the reading, it has an amazing animation for its prologue and epilogue. It was amazing, indeed! A simple animation done in watercolor that merely states how the two lead characters have met. For that alone, watching this film is all worth it!

Anyway, "Wanee & Junah" are live-in lovers in their mid-20s. Wanee is an animator whose career is starting to boom while Junah is a movie scriptwriter whose struggling to make a name for himself. Their peaceful lives was disturbed when Wanee learned that her step-brother will be visiting Korea from Europe. From that day on, thoughts of the past haunted Wanee at the expense of her relationship with Junah. Junah, in turn, took the back seat to give Wanee the chance to figure out things on her own.

The progression of the events is so smooth and calm. It's like reading a book with less dialogues but full of emotions. The emotions may not have been projected well by the characters but you know they're there. Because we are all but human, one way or another, we have been in their shoes.

"Wanee & Junah" isn't perfect in terms of its acting depth but its beautiful colors, sights, and sounds surely make up for it!

Note: This film, according to Korean critics, bravely go where the others dared not to. It has filmed two of the tabooed relationships in Korea: live-in and homosexual. Although the film centers more on the former and just merely passes by the latter.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Shutter (Thailand 2004)

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Ghost stories have come and went and only a few managed to create an impact to its audience. "Shutter" may be another take on avenging ghosts but it was effective in its effort to give chills and scares. It has given a new look to all the Sadako-type characters that seemed to be on most Asian horror flicks! Aside from that, it made Sadako's style looked ancient! No more coming-out of t.v. screens! It's time to get out wherever you are and be with your target person!

"Shutter" gave the saying "Watch Your Back" a totally different meaning! Soon, you will see!


If others go for the classic Sushi, I go for Kimchi. It rightly suits my tastes. It's fresh but not raw. It's flavored but not too tasty. It has the perfect concoction of spices that set my emotions on high and lows. In other words, my type of cinema!

And when I said that I am addicted to Korean Cinema, I wasn't kidding! Just recently bought 13 DVDs in a day! Plus, there are others I haven't (and want to!) bought yet! The coming weeks would really be an ultimate movie marathon for me!

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Image hosted by Wanee and Junah
Image hosted by Desire
Image hosted by The Sweet Sex and Love
Image hosted by Please Teach Me English
Image hosted by First Kiss
Image hosted by So Cute
Image hosted by 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant
Image hosted by Crzay First Love
Image hosted by Oh, Happy Day!
Image hosted by 3-Iron
Image hosted by Once Upon a Time in High School

Image hosted by Too Beautiful to Lie

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Friday, June 10, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Sexy!

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I'd like to start this review by quoting a review that I've read in Click the City a few days back before I saw "Mr. & Mrs. Smith". His/Her exact introduction (and the way it was written-"typos" and everything) was "BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG KAPISH....." He/She followed it with, "This movie should not have been on the summer movies. This movie shouldn't have been made either. In short this movie is really really bad."

I'd want to respect the reviewer's opinion re this movie. Hey, to each his own, right? But I can't help wondering if we really watch the same movie. Is this the one that opened just last Wednesday or was there a version that I didn't know of? How did a movie that is so good became really really bad?

Anyway, to continue with his/her review, he/she added, "If your an extreme action fan guy..go watch this movie. It's full of action allright, full of gun shooting, to a poin that there seems to be no more story. The gun battling scenes are just the same ones you've seen in other movies. Brad pitt was well..Brad Pitt... he really just has the looks but his acting sure stinks. What chemistry are the people talking about? Both Pitt and Jolie didn't really seem to be into it." His/Her last words were, "Bottom line..this movie's bad."

Oh-kay... Enough said. I'll digress his/her statements one by one. "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" isn't pure action. Oh yeah, there were lots of gun shooting but it was only during the second half of the film. I believe that those scenes were essential to the story. They are expected since the Smiths are assassins who became the target of both their firms (oops, spoiler!) so there's no other way to do it but defend themselves. Thus, the need for such battle. Aside from that, there are fights that are contextual in nature. Because first and foremost, the plot of the movie is about the couple's marriage. Them doing what they're doing are just part of what they're going through in their relationship.

Let's divide the battle into two. First part are mere representations of the things they have said and couldn't say. Of all the five or six years in their marriage, they neither fight nor argue. So imagine all the pent-up anger and frustrations for all the lies that surfaced. It reminds me of the Pinoy saying, "Kung nakakamatay lang ang mga salita, ilang beses ka nang namatay!" During arguments, we curse, cuss, or say hateful words. With the Smiths, though, they don't use words. They use bullets! It's kinda "War of the Roses", only this is much violent. And most of the time, fights are just sparks that light up a bigger fire, i.e. intimate passion. They serve as foreplay for couples who, after the arguments, somehow becomes relieve of the problems and are wanting to make love.

Second part, as I've said, is to defend themselves. This time, they are fighting for each other and not with each other. Complications still arise during the battle like who's better or who should lead or as simple as what weapons to use. But nothing could not be solve by compromise. Marriage (or any other relationship) without compromise is nothing.

In the end, when all skeletons are out of the closet, they love each other even more. It turned out that the thing they kept from each was the one that would keep them together. They found a common ground.

Is that what you call "no story at all?"

And as much as I hate to admit it, Brad and Angelina have great on-screen chemistry that Brad and Julia lacked in "The Mexican". Whether they are doing "it" or not, I wouldn't want to know until Jennifer Anistion formerly Pitt becomes as big as Nicole Kidman formerly Cruise. They should just keep the chemistry in reel and not for real! Aside from that, they are so damn hot and sexy! They deserve each other... in the movie! Sequel please!

The CTC reviewer gave "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" one star out five. I'd give it four and a half!

Bought This Today

I am soooo glad that I still found a VCD copy of this film from Astro Plus, Carpark, SM North. Although the price was different from the first time I saw it (PhP99.00), ok lang (PhP150.00). It doesn't matter because this is one remarkable film. Besides, the important thing is that I'd be asking Direk Ellen to autograph it on Monday. ;-)

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"Angels" is the story of Rudy and Angie who are both blind. They work as masseurs to sustain their family's needs. They have three children and Jonathan, their second child, is the one helping them as they go through their day to day struggles - including the care for their first child who happens to be mentally incapacited. The biggest challenge that they faced, though, was when the DSWD tried to take custody of their children because of believing that they are incapable of raising their family.

This is an honest portrayal of the true events that happened to real people. If you think you are having a tough time in life, think again and see life in the eyes of Rudy and Angie...

My favorite lines:
Jonathan: Itay, pa'no kayo nagligawan ni nanay?
Rudy: Basta 'yun na 'yun. Love at first sight!
Jonathan: Tatay naman, e. Sige na... Pa'no n'yo nga nilagawan si nanay?
Rudy: Sa tinginan lang!

This movie should be released internationally! Calling Star Cinema!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Anne Bancroft 1931-2005

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I just learned today that the Academy-Award winning actress, Anne Bancroft, died last June 6, 2005 of uterine cancer at 73. She wasn't exactly my favorite but it was a delight to watch her on screen. She was one fine actress, I should say. She became famous via The Graduate opposite Dustin Hoffman as Mrs. Robinson. The films I saw her in were Great Expectations, Torch Song Trilogy, G.I. Jane, Home for the Holidays, How to Make an American Quilt, The Assassin (aka Point of No Return), and Agnes of God.

Rest in peace, Madam Anne...

The Billy Crawford "Exorcist" Picture!

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"Dominion" recieved not so good reviews from critics but Billy Crawford sure created some raves! "Despite "Dominion's" generally unfavorable reviews, Crawford should gain some boost in his Hollywood acting career since several publications used stills that featured him and most reviews, including those that praised him, listed him as part of the main cast," Los Angeles, posted in Inquirer on May 23, 2005.

Way to go, Billy!
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Saw These Today... the Pink Festival in UP Film Institute.

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Formula 17 (Taiwan)

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Mga Pusang Gala (by Ellen Ongkeko-Marfil)

This one served as the opening movie for the festival in UP headed by Progay Philippines and Mowelfund. Direk Ellen and some actors attended the event along with Nick deOcampo and UP Film Institute President.

Reviews soon...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jenny, Juno: When You're Young and In Love

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"Jenny, Juno" created waves when it was shown in Korea early this year. Basically because of the sensitive nature of its topic: teen pregnancy. Being a conservative country like ours, of course they would condone such issue much more sexual freedom among teens! Not to mention that the teen characters were portrayed by actual teenagers. In Hollywood, sexual freedom among teens were highly discussed in Larry Clark's "Kids" and in the much graphic "Ken Park" (it has a Pinoy-American character). This movie received an R-18 but after much uproar from the makers of the movie and some fans, it was toned down to PG-15.

"Jenny, Juno" can basically be divided into three parts. First, Jenny and Juno found out that they were pregnant. They both tried to hide it from their parents fearing that they might abort the baby. For a couple of months, they did what they think is best for the baby. In their innocent ways, they were building their future. However, Jenny's sister found out the truth so eventually, they needed to tell their parents the truth. That being said, the focus has now been shifted to the parents - their initial reactions, their feelings toward their children's situations, their dealings with both side of the families, etc. Third part would be how Jenny and Juno resolve their situation.

"Jenny, Juno" has the makings of a great romantic movie, only that the characters are 15 year olds. All the kilig elements are there that would make you wonder whether, in your teens, would you have done stuffs like that? The lead characters were perfectly portrayed by the actors and were perfectly written. No one would doubt that the love they have for each other is true (at those moments, of course). You would even somehow root for them to be together. Oh, the wonders of young love!

The major problem lies, though, on the parents' side. Their initial reactions were perfectly shown: the anger, the denial, the embarrassment, the bargaining and the eventual acceptance. However, it ended there. The film had treated its subject as if it was a simple Romeo and Juliet type of story. I wouldn't be surprised if young audience would feel like the contravidas in their lives are their parent certainly because they were made to look like that in the movie. Their side of the story wasn't given much depth. They weren't able to talk about the repercussions of teen pregnancy to their children.

What I'm afraid of is the impression that this movie might give to young audience. Raising children by children isn't like raising puppies that only need to be fed and played with. It takes more than that. The film failed to emphasized that or even mention it. Aside from that, what saddens me is that abortion becomes part of the choices. Shouldn't it be not mentioned at all?

Anyway, as a romantic/drama movie, this one had surely soared high! It's great! One of the best, I should say, especially for being so bold in tackling such topic. However though, I'd advised parents to see this films with their teens and not let them get the impressions that teen pregnancy is cool! Despite that, this one tops my favorites list!

Bought These Today...

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Monday, June 06, 2005

To Adapt is Human; To Pay is Divine

I was planning to see "Say That You Love Me" today. I didn't because I've read that the movie was sort of an adaptation of "My Sassy Girl". When I saw its trailer, a friend already commented that it seemed like an adaptation (actually, the Pinoy word is "ginaya" which seemed to have a really bad connotation here) but I refused to believe it because I'm rooting for the Jennylyn Mercado-Mark Herras tandem. But then, when I read the Click the City review, it was confirmed! According to them, it was still an enjoyable film despite "borrowing" some key elements that made Sassy worked. They added that the movie adapted "three explicit things: Kristine is an insolent lady to Stephen, who always bows to her ingratiating whims; at one point, Stephen details the things that he had learned about Kristine; and lastly, someone has been trying to introduce them to each other since before they met."

I've no problems with adaptations. I believe that there are only a few original stories around and it's up to the writers to make something different out of it. How many times have the story of "Cinderella" (i.e. "poor" girl meeting her "prince" and falling in love) resurfaced on screen and on tv and still succeed? I've problems with adapting a certain story without ever mentioning the original story where it came from. It'd be really easy to accept an adapted film if in fact, it admits that it came from an original story. So many Filipino films have been a product of adaptation yet not crediting the source. Why? Is it because they don't want to pay any royalty? Would paying royalty means less income for the film? If that would be case, then I suggest that they better come up with original and creative stories and not "steal" anyone's hardworked product.

Anyway, I still have high hopes about this film. As I was reading its synopsis on the official site, I still think that it could stand on its own. I may or may not catch it on screen. But I'd surely see it on video in case I missed it. So sad, though, that Sassy was not shown here. Filipino audience is missing a lot by not seeing this Korean gem. I hope that distributors would also include Korean romantic movies on their list of releases here and not just focus on horror stories. I believe that we had enough of those Sadako-type characters who kept coming out in most Asian horror movies.

My Brother (Korea 2004)

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My Brother" is gripping with emotions yet done with simplicity and subtlety. It reminds of movies like Maryo J. Delos Reyes' "Magnifico" or Jose Javier Reyes' "Minsan May Isang Puso". It honestly portrays the rift amongst the members of the family yet not undermining the obvious love they have for one another. This is definitely one the the tissues!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

La Visa Loca

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Without a doubt, one of the best films in RP Cinema and one of the first great films of 2005! "La Visa Loca" garnered an A rating from the Film Ratings Board which would give it a 100% tax-free incentive. The highest rating most films receive is B+ and seldom do films receive A. Some ratings may even be quite questionable but this one was truly deserving! It was funny, touching, irritating, and heart wrenching all at the same time! Aside from that, "kakaiba siya!" Its treament hasn't been done before in Phil. movies. Simple yet aims directly to the core!

I wouldn't go much with the details of the film because one could only appreciate its greatness by seeing it. What I'm quite bothered about is the theme that it tackles. Sobra na bang nakakalimutan na ng Pinoy ang mga mahahalagang bagay sa buhay dahil sa kahirapan (o pera) at kailangan na siyang tapikin upang makaalala? Sadya bang nawawala na ang pagmamahal natin sa ating bayan dahil sa sunod-sunod na pasakit na ating nararanasan?

Yes, I know how hard it is these days to live in the Philippines but it is not enough reason for one to loathe staying here. Go on, work outside the country but one has no right to judge it badly because no matter what you say, pinakinabangan mo rin naman siya!

Shall We Dance? (2004)

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I have resisted seeing "Shall We Dance?" because I wanted to see the original Japanese version. I've read that it was far more superior than this Hollywood adaptation. But then, not being able to find a copy of it, I took the chance of watching this. Besides, if there's one guilty pleasures I have, that is watching Jennifer Lopez. What I feel for her is love-hate. I don't wanna be drawn to her 'cause I know how terrible she can get some times (acting and singing-wise) yet I can't help myself. She could be very irresistible without her trying much!

Anyway, not having any idea about the Japanese version, I have fallen in love with this film! It was able to touch a part of my life. I was able to relate to the "emptiness" that Richard Gere's character, John Clark, was feeling. It wasn't about the empty feeling of love but the empty feeling of fulfillment. You know that the life you are enjoying could be better. With that being said, of course, this film made me cry. Tears that have been longing to come out for months now. Never did I realized that all the pent-up anger I have felt inside was due to the fact that I haven't let those tears out.

One of the memorable lines in the film that made an impact to me was "Be alive like this!" by Paulina (J. Lo)while she and John were dancing. I have forgotten the last time I've felt so alive. Lately, things haven't been going smoothly for me in terms of career even though I know now what I really want to do. Why is it that when you are determine to be who/what you are, that's the time when things are not going in your favor?

I apologize if this review became a personal write-up. It is because that that is the effect that this film has given me! It made me smile, think, feel, and cry. If only life could be as easy as taking dance lessons...

Babae Sa Breakwater (2004)

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Isa yata ang pelikulang ito sa nakaranas ng "one-day showing" sa Pilipinas. Ipinalabas ito ng hindi man lang namamalayan ng sambayanang Pilipino. Ganun pa man, nakatanggap ito ng kabi-kabilang papuri sa mga krikito mula rito maging sa ibang bansa. Natalo pa nga nito sa "Best Picture" ng Gawad Urian ang pinakapaboritong pelikula noong 2004, ang "Magnifico"! Mananatiling isa sa mga paborito ko ang pelikulang "Magnifico" kaya isipin n'yo na lang ang tuwa ko nung makita kong mayroon ng kopya ang pelikulang tumalo sa aking paborito.

NGUNIT, isang malaking disappointment para sa akin ang "Babae Sa Breakwater". Hindi ko alam kung nasa akin ba ang mali at hindi ko nakuha ang gustong paratingin ng pelikula o sadyang nabulagan lamang ang mga manunuri sa kadilimang ipinapakita ng pelikula. Para sa kin, ang pelikulang ito ay:

1. Pretensyoso. Gusto niyang palabasin na isa siyang "art film" gayong maikukumpara lamang siya sa isang dokumentaryong hindi maayos ang pagkakasulat at kasuklam-suklam ang pagkakadirehe. Itinuring ko siyang dokumentaryo dahil pinapakita niya ang "below poor" na aspeto ng lipunan gayong wala naman masyadong ikunukuwento tungkol sa kanilang buhay. At kung anuman ang kaniyang ipinakita, nagawa na rin iyon ng mga dokumentaryo sa telebisyon tulad ng I-Witness at sa isang epektibong paraan pa!

2. Eksploytasyon. Nakakaawa ang mga "artista" na gumawa sa pelikulang ito. Isipin n'yong palanguyin ba naman nang makailang ulit sa babayin ng Manila gayong alam naman (siguro) ng direktor kung gaano ito karumi at kung anu-ano ang sakit ang pwede nilang makuha rito. Dahil nga baguhan ang mga artistang ginamit, masasabi bang sulit ang binayad sa kanila kung sakaling magkasakit nga sila dahil dito? At ang pagpapakita ng suso ng matandang artista na kilala bilang "Yaya" sa isang "Shake, Rattle, & Roll" na pelikula kung saan si Kris Aquino ang bida o ang matandang bersyon ni Alma Moreno sa "Aswang" ay lubhang kahabag-habag! (Pasensya na at hindi ko alam ang kaniyang pangalan.) Hindi naman kailangan pang gawin 'yun para lang ipakita ang kahirapan sa Pilipinas. Ang pagpayag niya sa eksenang iyon ang makapagpapatunay na sadyang kakapit sa patalim ang taong hirap na hirap sa buhay. Na kahit ang natitirang dangal ay pwedeng isawalang bahala sa konting halaga. Bakit naman pinayagan pa ng direktor na mangyari iyon?

Kung akting naman ang pag-uusapan, hindi ko rin mawari kung paanong nanalo si Katherine Luna bilang pinakamagaling na aktres sa ilang kumpetisyon gayong wala naman siyang ipinakitang galing! Siya man ang nasa titulo ng pelikula ngunit hindi sa kanya nakatuon ang istorya kundi sa magkapatid na napadpad sa Breakwater. Siya ay malinaw na nagamit din upang ibenta ang pelikula lalo pa sa mga paghuhubad niyang ginawa na hindi rin naman kawalan kung sakaling hindi iniligay sa pelikula.

Sa istorya, nakapahina ng mga karakterisasyon! May mga pangyayari sa pelikula na wala naman saysay o katuturan sa kabuuan ng pelikula. Napakaraming karakter na hindi naman talaga kailangan o kaya'y hindi nabigyan ng sapat na lalim. Maliban sa kahirapan, wala ng iba bang bagay ang nagbubuklod sa kanila sa mga pangunahing tauhan. Dahil doon, naging "detach" ang mga manonood sa kwento ng kanilang buhay.

Ang direksyon ay lalong hindi kapuri-puri! Tama ba namang maglagay ng "bloopers" at "behind the scenes" sa credits ng pelikula gayong drama ito?!