Friday, March 25, 2005

Review Night: A Disappointing End

It has been a week since the last episode of "Review Night" has been shown. It was its 200th episode and was at its 4th year. My oh my, I didn't even realize that the show has been running for four years now!

I was expecting a lot more for the final episode, especially that Ryan Agoncillo said a week before that that they'd be ending the show with a sort-of party. But it wasn't a party! They just had their regular movie and cd reviews (movie of the week then was "Robots"). That's it! I was thinking that they'd be showing the best movies in their list for the last four years or have their reviewers said their good byes to the show. Yes, they have shown the people behind the reviews but it wasn't even so memorable. They've just shown pictures of them in a series.

It was really a disappointing end to the show that I've religiously watched. It was like Ross and Rachel ending together in "Friends" but worse! It was an abrupt ending and not well-thought of. Parang ginawa lang para matapos na. I feel like, we, its viewers deserve more. Or was I the only one who had continue to watch it? I don't think so!

Hay, I was hoping to watch pa naman its yearly award-giving ceremony. Teka, was it held only once? Hmmm...

Anyway, bye-bye "Review Night"! So long! My Fridays will be empty without you... *pahid-luha*

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