Friday, March 18, 2005

Full House's Funny Moments Eps. 1 & 2

Receptionist (in Chinese): How can I help you?
Han Ji-eun: Can you speak English?
Receptionist: Oh sure. What can I do for you?
Han Ji-eun: Ah... (looked in the dictionary) I made a reservation. My name is Han Ji-eun.
Receptionist: Ah, wait a minute.
Yoo Min-hyuk (arrives): I'm looking for Mr. Lee Young-Jae. He's staying at this hotel. (cel fone rings; talks in Japanese) Moshi-moshi! Yes... Things are unwrapped on this side so I'll be going home soon... I'll see you then... (kept the cel fone and looked at Han Ji-eun with a smile)
Han Ji-eun (smiles and speaks in Korean): What are you looking at? Am I that pretty?
Yoo Min-hyuk (smiles)
Han Ji-eun: Is that funny? Your English is pretty good for a Japanese. You must've taken some lessons. Do you even know what I'm saying?
Receptionist: I'm sorry. Maybe there's something wrong. You hadn't booked any room. Will you make sure again?
Han Ji-eun: Excuse me?
Receptionist: You hadn't booked any room. Will you make sure again?
Han Ji-eun (in Korean): What is she saying? (in English) Check-in, please.
Receptionist: Ok.
Yoo Min-hyuk (speaks in Korean): She says there's no reservation.
Han Ji-eun (shocked; eyes widens)
Yoo Min-hyuk (in Korean): Are you sure you have a reservation?
Han Ji-eun (still shock; in Korean): Yes...
Yoo Min-hyuk (to receptionist in in Chinese): But, is there any room available?
Receptionist: Yes, there is. How many days will you stay?
Yoo Min-hyuk (to Ji-eun in Korean): How many days will you be staying?
Han Ji-eun (trying to keep her composure): Until this Friday.
Yoo Min-hyuk (to receptionist in English): She's gonna stay until this Friday.
Receptionist: Wait a moment, please... Room 305, is it ok?
Yoo Min-hyuk: That's great. (to Ji-eun in Korean) You can go up when you get the key. Can I help you with anything else?
Han Ji-eun: No, thanks.
Yoo Min-hyuk (bows and leaves)
Han Ji-eun: Oh... (bangs her head on the desk)

Han Ji-eun: How was your shoot?
Lee Young-Jae: What?... Ye...
Han Ji-eun: What is the movie about? How does the story go on?
Lee Young-Jae: It's about a man... who loved a woman for a long time... But the woman is leaving him..
Han Ji-eun: So...
Lee Young-Jae: So the man decides to propose before the woman leaves... "I love you a lot... Don't leave. Stay with me..."
Han Ji-eun: But he can't tell her, right?... Because she's in love with another man...
Lee Young-Jae: How did you know?
Han Ji-eun: I'm a writer!
Lee Young-jae: You know anything about writing?
Han Ji-eun: Shall I continue? ...The man can't give up on the woman. The woman is like a light in his life that he can't live without. But he can't confess his feelings either. He's afraid of losing her forever. So he keeps his pain to himself. Loving someone doesn't always means happiness...
Lee Young-Jae (gets affected)
Han Ji-eun: However, he decides to let her go in the end...
Lee Young-Jae: Then what happens? You said he couldn't live without her...
Han Ji-eun: So he's really supposed to die over that?! ...The man goes on a journey to forget his pain. He runs into a fierce storm and gets starnded on a desserted island. The island is filled with strange fruits. Turns out it's a treasure island full of huge treasure hidden! Then he falls in love with a woman in the coast guard who rescues him. In the end, he realizes that life is an unknowable enigma...
Lee Young-Jae (stunned)
Han Ji-eun: Wasn't that good?
Lee Young-Jae: You... go to bed!


Han Ji-eun hands the bowl of soup
Lee Young-Jae tastes the soup; somehow gets choked-up with up
Han Ji-eun: It's not good?
Lee Young-Jae: Is this soup or stew?
Han Ji-eun: It can be both! It's like... a multi-player!

-- end --

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