Thursday, March 03, 2005

"A Breath Of Fresh Air," i.e. Hitch!

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Have you ever heard of a "Date Doctor"? Probably not. Yet (if ever there is one). "Date Doctors" come in handy when you find it difficult to express your feelings towards the person you adore. Or, when you have the words to say yet you don't know how to execute the moves you have in mind. Hitch (Will Smith) brings out the Jerry Maguire in any guy who had every Dorothy Boyd at "Hello"! He's one smooth talking suave guy who'd make any Alfie crawl into his skin. For Hitch, it is just proper timing and right moves and words to make your first kiss your last. He's the cure for every Gaylord Focker disasters!

"Hitch" is a breath of fresh air amongst the movies of its genre. It is not your typical laugh-out-loud movies where you get your eyes weep while laughing or your super kilig-to-death type of movies where you'd feel tingles all over your body. It has the right amount of physical comedy and romantic moments that would make you give out "giggly-laughs". The kind that you give out when you see something endearing with the one you adore. You know, the one that you give out when you're by yourself thinking about that special moment with the one you love. Or, the kind you show whenever you're out on a date. The giggly laughs that would not siginify that you're not a toad or the one that would not embarass your date. Did you get my point? A right amount of humor and romance, that's "Hitch"!

Hitch falls flat though when it tries to be cheesy with its I'm-pouring-out-my-heart-to-you scenes especially during the last part. It felt kinda long and unfit. It tries so hard to make a "grand declaration of love" the way Jerry Maguire did and it failed. Not every movie could make such grand gestures (meaning with so many people around that would cheer and clap after you say "I love you") and succeed with it. Besides, it has been done so many times that the industry need to make a new formula!

Performances wise, Will Smith was a charmer! He pulled the role very well. Not to mention how adorable Kevin James was. Kudos to him and his fine performance. With Eva Mendes, she was alright. More characterization, though, is needed for her role.

So, get hitched this instant and know how to make your first kiss your last!

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