Saturday, April 23, 2005

Touch of Pink Quotes

Here are some unforgettable dialogues and punch lines in the movie:

Alim: You know what’s the matter with you?
Giles: What?
Alim: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Nuru: It’s also confusing. I couldn’t find the chauffeur you sent. How’re these people ever ruled the world? No one helps me with my bags. I’m telling you, these English people can be so rude and unhelpful.

Nuru: I’m on a diet.
Giles: Why? You look great
Nuru: No, I don’t.
Giles: I think you do.
Nuru: No, I don’t! It’s the shoes. They’re new!

Alim: Ma, I’ve a fully equipped kitchen.
Nuru: You’ve coconut?
Alim: Yes.
Nuru: Fresh coconut?
Alim: No… There’s an Indian restaurant nearby.
Nuru: I’ll take a nap first! I’m not a machine!

Nuru: I’m only teasing you. I know you’re busy. Laughter is the best medicine.
Alim: Then, I guess I must be in the placebo group.

Giles: I’d really like it if we could be friends.
Nuru: I’ve many friends, thank you! All the positions have been filled. If there’s a vacancy in the near future, I’ll be sure to get in touch with you! Thank you very much for applying. Never heard that before? Not part of your culture, is it Mr. Egg Stealer?
Giles: I’m sorry. I just assumed that the eggs were for everybody.
Nuru: You people always do! Eggs, India, Africa, Middle East!

Nuru: Those trousers are a bit tight, aren’t they, Peter?
Alim: The pants are fine.
Nuru: The trousers are not fine! I can read your… credit card number!

Alim: I’m not going back to Toronto. I like to get you off my back! Cause you won’t ever light up!
Nuru: I see… This is how you talk to your mother? Excuse me, please… Oh, I forgot! Your horrible mother made you a mango pickle sandwiches… for your lunch!

Giles: Are you alright?
Nuru: My life is just a soiled, tattered tissue dashed into the toilet of our lives. What will I do now?
Giles: You could write poetry…

Nuru: I carried him for the 9 hottest months in the history of Kinya. Practically broke my back. Only 19 years old and my breasts are like mangoes at the end of the stockings! Now he doesn’t want his mother. Tell, what is in it for me?
(A pregnant woman stood up)
Nuru: Oh, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it… You’ll love it! By the way, you’re glowing!

Alim: I wanna show you something. You see the spot on the wall there? Well, this photograph used to hang there. We took it out before you came. You know why?
Nuru: Something you didn’t want me to see?
Alim: That’s right.
Nuru: Something for boys only?
Alim: I wanna show it to you anyway…
Nuru: Oh, there’s no need. Boys will be boys. I understand.
Alim: I really want to…
Nuru: It’s not anything greasy, is it? Or whips, midgets, or that S&M business?
Alim: It’s a photo of Giles.
Nuru: Oh my, it’s certainly is…
Alim: I took it…
Nuru: I see…
Cary Grant: Oh what to do? Not enough air pushing to the windmills of her mind…

Alim: She’s a Muslim woman from the Third World!
Giles: So what?
Alim: You keep forgetting that she’s not like me! You have to shift your expectation!
Giles: So what you’re really saying is that she’s just an ignorant Paki?
Alim: I wouldn’t put it quite like that.
Giles: Well, I think that you would if you could. But she’s your mother. And if she’s just a Paki, what does that make you?

Cary Grant: I love Toronto! Tell me, does time always drag in here like this?
Alim: Can you believe it? She still keeps the plastic in the furniture.
Cary Grant: Yeah! To keep the evil fresh!

Khaled: Oh c’mon! You never used to fight me before.
Alim: You were never getting married before.
Khaled: Not because I bought a cow doesn’t mean I like milk!

Khaled: You’re not in love with him. It’s just not normal.
Alim: If you’re normal, count me out. Look at you, a closet drunk, a closet queer! Named a closet, you’re hanging there!

Khaled: Do you ever think about your own mother?
Nuru: Do you ever think of me with you’re fly is undone like that?
Khaled: Auntie… Oh… It’s not…
Nuru: I know what you’re doing.
Khaled: Auntie, it’s not what you’re imagining…
Nuru: I’m not imagining. I’m seeing…
Khaled: I’m not… I have a fiancée, remember?
Nuru: Your mother has a baby grand piano and she can’t play a note either.
Khaled: Good one!

Alek: You know what’s the matter with you?
Giles: What?
Alek: Your upper abs… You should do some crunches later.

Alim: I’m sorry.
Nuru: You didn’t do anything wrong.
Alim: No. I’m sorry you see that. It must’ve been a shock.
Nuru: Yes… I’m not completely backwards. I know all about men with men. I subscribed to Reader’s Digest…

Cary Grant: It’s the oldest story in the world. Boy meets boy. Boy loses boy and goes to Toronto. Boy gets back together with boy in London for a happy ending. Well, maybe not the oldest story…

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