Saturday, April 09, 2005

Closer (2004)

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This movie has been dubbed as the “romantic film for adults” by the producers. It also has the tagline, “If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking.” However, there was nothing romantic nor lovable about this film. All four characters are flawed and have no redeeming value to them which the movie does not glorify. You take them for who they are. Love ‘em or hate ‘em. Do what you will.

Everyone here is looking so blindly for love that they’d never know it even if it hits them right on their faces. However, if they’ve known that it was love that hits them, they wouldn’t have a clue as to how they’d take care of it. Physical attraction, lust, honesty, dishonesty, trust, perversions and obsessions would get in the way of a good relationship. It just shows how adults could also be confused and screwed up as their teen counterparts when it comes to love which makes this movie so sad yet so true.

With excellent performances from Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Clive Owen, and Natalie Portman, clever dialogues from Patrick Marber, and great direction from Mike Nichols, “Closer” is one the best films that came out in 2004!

However though, it isn’t a movie for just anybody. One would either hate or love the film depending on whether they get the premise or not. This is truly a “romantic film for adults” because sometimes this is how complicated adult relationships get in need to be closer to the so-called love of his/her life.

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